New Law on Education is the genocide of nations living in Ukrainian territory – Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko (video)

                The new Law on Education came into force on Ukraine, which provides for the prohibition of languages and enhances the role of the Ukrainian language. 29 September 29 Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko commented on the reforms in the education system of Ukraine, according to a correspondent of the DPR official website.

               “Ukraine wants to reduce everyone to the same level The law on education is not only an infringement of the rights of people, it is the genocide not only of the Russian-speaking population, but also of the Hungarian, Romanian, and Polish. This is the genocide of people whom they artificially force to think differently,” Alexander Zakharchenko said.

               The Head of the Republic also stressed that the new Law on Education was not the first anti-human decision that Ukraine made.

           “Ukraine in 2014 made an anti-human decision to hold the “ATO”. In 2014, we said no to tyranny and lawless coup. Ukraine sent military equipment and aircraft against us. A war got started here – that was inhumanly.

          Answering the question why there are no protests from the population and teachers against the law on education, I can say that any Maidan is a financial operation. This requires large financial investments, Maidan does not arise just so. And one more reason — those people who can say “no” to the Ukrainian government, were either burned in Odessa, or killed, or chose our side in 2014,” Alexander Zakharchenko noted.

                 Source: The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic official website (c)
